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Sunday 5 May 2013

Thought For The Day

   In THEPRIS6NER episode Schizoid the heavily sedated M2 is given a pill by her son 11-12 to make her wake from her sedated state. Now that's all very well, except everything that takes place in the Village is taking place in M2's mind, or rather that of Helen's mind. Helen, being M2, is heavily sedated in her New York apartment, and it is Helen who is dreaming the Village in her mind as pictured below.
    We have seen earlier in the series how Two, Curtis husband to Helen, gives M2 a pill to wake her from her sedated state. So when we see the action of 11-12 giving his mother M2 a pill to wake her from her dreaming, how is that possible? It is Helen who is dreaming the Village, she appears to be all alone in the apartment, and yet should not Helen in New York be given the pill to wake her up? I mean 11-12 doesn't physically exist, so to my mind it seems that Helen is dreaming that 11-12 gives her a pill to wake M2 from her dream, seeing as no-one gives Helen a pill to wake her from her dream.
   And why is Curtis not with Helen? Others who are brought to the Village are in two places at the same time.....Michael/Six, 37927-the Shopkeeper is, and Helen/M2 is, so why not Curtis/Two, who should be there with his wife?!

   You see for those who have not seen the series of THEPRIS6NER, or gave up on the series prematurely, it's more complex than one might first suppose. Those who have seen it will no doubt agree with me.

Village is best for us.

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