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Monday 20 October 2014


   Number 6 and Nadia Rakovsky had something in common, they were both Olympians at one time or another. Nadia was an Olympic bronze medallist at the age of seventeen. While Number 6 was a member of the British fencing team. Yes it was Curtis who said that during the fencing scene of ‘The Schizoid Man,’ “It's good agricultural stuff, but would hardly have got you my place on the Olympic team.” But remembering at the same time that Curtis was impersonating Number 6!
   So if Nadia was once an Olympic Bronze medallist swimmer, why couldn’t she swim so far when she was attempting to swim away from The Village? Well she was no longer 17 for one thing, and for another, she would have been used to only swimming in swimming pools, not wild swimming as she endured during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben!”

Be seeing you


  1. Dear David
    I did try to swim as fast as I could to get away, but there were two things against me – firstly I was swimming against the currents and secondly Rover came up on me too fast and then even split into another two. It was terrifying! And yes, I know I am no longer 17, but I bet I can still swim faster than you, cheeky!

    1. Hello Nadia,
      Yes I can see the problems you faced. I always thought that must have been a terrifying experience, that encouter with The Village Guardian. Being half drowned and half suffocated. I realise that you would have been briefed on The Village before your arrival, being a plant. But I'm sure nothing could have prepared you for the Guardian!

      Of course you can swim faster than me, I cannot swim a single stroke!

      As for that boat you and No.6 set off in, I have to say that at the beginning it didn't look at all seaworthy!

      My very best wishes

    2. Dear David
      No, it didn’t look at all seaworthy when we were putting it up on the beach, and it did fall down a couple of times! However when we were on the water it wasn’t bad at all, and actually was quite pleasant.
      I have to say I was very impressed by No. 6’s bushcraft skills, and thought it was funny when he passed his boat off in the exhibition as a work of art, which in a way I suppose it was. He was always in his element out in the woods, and would quite happily have lived there if he could! However, when he was in the village he did seem to enjoy my company, and I his.
      I did feel more and more guilty as time went on and I of course knew that the Village was in control of everything, and that his ‘escape’ was very cleverly orchestrated. I could never understand why he just wouldn’t tell us why he resigned, I mean, what’s the big deal? But then again he was always so stubborn, yet another one of his many attractive qualities.

    3. Dear David
      Yes, it must have been a shock for No.6 when he realised that he wasn’t really in his boss’s office, and found himself back in the Village after having never really left at all! I may have had a victorious expression on my face, but we still didn’t succeed. So near and yet so far! It was a good plan and we did our best, but one tiny oversight and the whole thing fell apart. That’s what I wrote in my report to the Village authorities and my superiors on the outside. Incidentally, the Village was actually a joint venture between various ‘sides’ – “the whole earth as the Village”. Yes, it was a cruel thing to do to No.6, but it was my job and it did pay rather well (hence the fur coat!). However, afterwards I began to regret my betrayal and have to admit that I really do miss my “Big Bill” – it’s very lonely back here in Estonia.

    4. Dear Nadia,
      I always thought Number 6 took it rather well, having discovered that he's not where he thought he was, but back where he started, in The Village. And I've always thought that the announcement being made as Number 6 returns to his cottage, that of the great new competition organised by The Village's local Council, "Seascapes," is rubbing salt into his wound!
      That's right, you still didn't succeed, better luck next time! The KGB must pay better than British Intelligence judging by the fur coat, seeing as Estonia is behind the Iron Curtain!

      Very best wishes
