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Saturday 2 November 2013

All Our Convention Yesterdays

   The above photograph was emailed to me by on old friend a few weeks ago, he stands two people to the right of the Undertaker. Me? That's me on the left holding up the placard. The photograph was taken at the 1990 Prisoner Convention held at Portmeirion, I know that because that was my only second convention, and the first time I wore my piped blazer at a Prisoner Convention. I look so young there, as indeed we all were, young, fresh faced individuals who were all so terribly keen!
  This picture was taken during the re-enactment of Engadines celebrated party from 'A B and C.'
   And here....................
    No.6 stands upon the chessboard in a re-enactment from 'Checkmate,' the human chess match. The only problem I found as I stood there as No.6, was that the sun was in my eyes! I used to have to squint against the sun.
   Everyone was so terribly keen to take part in the human chess match re-enactment. So much so that people rushed to get the chess poles, even trying to take the ones saved for individuals who had dialogue during the chess match, and that included mine! I recall asking where my chess pole was? and when I went down onto the chessboard there was this chap standing in my place! I said "Who are you?" He replied "I'm Number Six!" I said "Do you know your lines?" He said "No, what are they?" In the end I had to ask him to leave the chessboard, and called for the!
   While I was No.6 Morag was the white Queen. One year a man was standing on her square holding the chess pole. She said to him "You do realise that standing here that makes you the white Queen and you have lines to say?" He replied "Oh that's alright, I don't mind" eventually Morag got him off the white Queen's square and retrieved the chess pole!

Be seeing you

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