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Thursday 16 April 2015

The Village Under The SpotLight!

    We read and hear of so many negatives, but what about the positive side of The Village which really has much going for it. For those who are prepared to accept and settle down here, and don’t forget there are those citizens who arrive here of their own free will, there is much within its boundaries for the citizen to enjoy. Well not everyone is a Prisoner there.
    The Village facilities are second to none. Quiet and picturesque, enjoying an almost holiday camp atmosphere. With miles of clean beaches to enjoy, which many citizens take advantage of, either sun bathing, or paddling in the pools of water. Sailing plastic boats, playing beach ball, building sand castles, with full on-beach facilities of changing tents and a sales kiosk providing all you need for the beach.
    But if the beach is not quite your cup of tea, well there is the social club, amateur dramatics. And from time to time Village festivals are held, folk music concerts, exhibitions of entertainment and mime, as well as Exhibitions of Arts and Crafts, and painting competitions. Exciting days like Appreciation Day. Who can forget the events of that particular day? And what about the Carnival, everyone in fancy dress costume, something which brought the whole of the community together, and not forgetting the Ball in the evening for the lucky few. And talking about the evening, the curfew bell might toll at eight in the evening, but that still leaves ample time to enjoy the delights of the Cat & Mouse club, decked out with a nautical feel, and Jazz music to be enjoyed by everyone. Together with a bar and table service, although the drinks are non-alcoholic, "Gin, Whisky, Vodka, looks the same, tastes the same." But if you're of a kind who likes a bit more excitement, well you could not do better that The Palace of Fun, which provides entertainment of all kinds, including old style music hall, and gambling if you are of a mind to have a flutter. Also providing facilities for amateur dramatics, painting classes, music groups etc.
   For the musically minded, there are the regular Brass Band concerts. There are amenities such as the Cafés, Ice Cream Parlour, Restaurant, the open air lido, Library, Recreation Hall, the General Store, and various kiosks can be found dotted about The Village. There are special imports like records, cameras, and cuckoo clocks. There's the Citizens Advice Bureau, Council offices, the Labour Exchange {although those few like Number 6 are not forced into work}, and our own little newspaper, electrification of the clocks and The Village postal service. There’s a credit card system, health and welfare system. A hospital where medical staff take care of you, as well as providing an Old People’s Home for when the time comes for you to retire, or get too old to look after yourself in your home from home.
   For the more athletic of our citizens there is the Gymnasium, for exercise, gymnastics, electronic shooting and fencing. And outdoor activities, such as the human chess matches, water skiing, along with the outdoor swimming pool and the clock golf course, also gardens and woodland to enjoy. In fact everything the citizen could possibly want is in The Village. Why should anyone want to leave such a Utopian Shangri-la? Number 6 did once escape, and yet even he couldn’t get back to The Village quick enough! 

Be seeing you

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