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Saturday 4 February 2012

The Therapy Zone

How did They Fair – These Four Intrepid Heroes?

   Well as for this gentleman, this once secure and successful member of the establishment. For him things appear to have gone back to normal, just as though nothing has happened! Pictured here, this gentleman, this one time No.2-Chairman of the village is about to enter the Houses of Parliament. Either as an MP {Member of Parliament} or working as an undersecretary to a member of the Cabinet, or some kind of high ranking Civil Servant. Either that or in the House of Lords. Returning to the position he once described back in that cavern under the village, at his trial during Fall Out. In once having the ears of Kings and Princes, who is able to nip revolutions in the bud, and all that jargon he spouted as his defence. This man was accused of biting the hand that feeds, I don't see that. Because back in the Village, as No.2, he puts his life on the line for the cause!
   Yes, for this man, its is though nothing has happened.... yet! But for others, well take this uncoordinated youth, pictured here trying to thumb a lift somewhere along the A20 between London and Dover.

   Here he is, youth with no apparent responsibilities, and so it is without a care in the world, he tries to thumb a lift on either carriageway of the A 20. So he's not even bothered in which direction he goes, it's the journey you see, the journey matters more than the eventual destination. Beats me why he was ever brought to the village in the first place!
   However in time, even this rebellious youth is forced to accept the status Quo, to become part of the establishment, as he eventually inherits a house, estates, and a title, becoming Lord Etherly.

  Then there is our old friend, the ever faithful diminutive Butler. Seen here on the steps of  No.1 Buckingham Place watching his master drive off before he enters the house. And it is partly for this reason that people have thought the Butler to be No.1, as well as always being on hand back in the Village, and apparently knowing more then he lets on.

So what does he do when he gets inside the house, this ever faithful manservant? He packs two suitcases which he leaves in the study ready for his masters return. He  then leaves 1 Buckingham Place, to go, to go where?
 Possibly to an employment Bureau to seek work, and from there possibly on a journey of his own, to make sure he arrives in the village in time for his previous masters Arrival there! Yeeeeeees, that is guess work, but the Butler didn't go into the house for no good reason, and someone had to pack his masters suitcases.

   And as for the 4th of our intrepid hero, well he's just as much a Prisoner at the end as he was at the beginning. For him there is no escape, it simply starts all over again, as it will eventually for all of them.

    He doesn't enter his house, but climbs behind the wheel of his Lotus 7 and drives off. Somewhere along that long and deserted runway, as dark clouds gather over head and then a sudden clash of thunder which sets the Prisoner on his way to hand in his letter of resignation. Driving over Westminster bridge, passed the Houses of Parliament, Into Abingdon Street, down a ramp and into the underground car park...well you know how it goes.

I'll be seeing you

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