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Sunday 5 February 2012

The Therapy Zone

 Why Did You Resign?

No.6 "I didn't accept, why did you accept?" he snaps.
No.2 "You resigned!"
"I rejected!"
"You accepted before you resigned."
"I rejected!"
"Why me?"

  This is part of the conversation between No.6 and No.2 during their deliberations in the Embryo Room of Once Upon A Time. And it would seem that No.6 rejected No.2, that he has something against him but I don't know why. Unless of course we have been here before, and it was the village that No.6 rejected and not the person of No.2. After all there seems to have been an amicable parting between them soon after their return to London. And it is also possible that they knew each other in a former working life outside the village, this is suggested in the line of dialogue when No.6 says "I didn't accept, why did you accept?"
   It is my belief that No.6, or Sir as he became known, rejected the village in Fall out, then at the end of the episode we see the Prisoner on his way to hand in his resignation, after rejecting the village, this in turn confirms my belief that Fall Out can easily be screened as the first episode of the Prisoner. There was no acceptance as No.2 would have it. No.2 who resisted for so short a time, before he himself accepted.

Number Six Is Dead – Rover Got Him!

    And what if by some curious quirk of fate, that that statement is correct, that Rover did in fact attack the wrong No.6. Where would that leave Curtis? Perhaps Curtis then, after the death of the real No.6, quickly decided to maintain the persona of No.6, and try to escape the village. And thereby escaping the possible wrath of No.1 for his part in the death of No.6.
   Of course Curtis would have to fool No.2 into thinking he was No.6, to act and behave accordingly and thereby escaping the village, otherwise No.2 might smell a rat! There was one flaw in Curtis' escape plan, in that he played the role of No.6 too well. He had to feign his somewhat nervous and strung up state, and pretend that he has had no time to think about No.2's proposition which he put to Curtis when he arrived in the village. Not to mention that duff line about reporting to the General, well not to report to him personally....... "For Pete's sake you know what I mean."
   Curtis' impersonation as No.6 was perfect, so perfect that it put a nagging doubt in No.2's head, who went off to talk to the pilot of the helicopter, before testing No.6 "You won't forget to give my regards to Susan will you?" "I won't" says No.6 slipping on his blindfold.
   And that was the flaw you see, Curtis played his part too well, and responded as No.6 would have done. After all, how could No.6 have known that..... "Susan died a year ago!"
   So where would that leave Curtis and No.2? It is not impossible to carry on this interpretation to its ultimate climax. So to save both their skins, No.2 arranged for Curtis to maintain his deception by continuing to live in the village..... in the guise and persona of No.6!

Be seeing you... whoever you are!

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