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Saturday 6 July 2013

The Therapy Zone

The Time Of My Birth Is Missing
   That’s subtle I have to say. A neat trick of not having the Prisoners date of birth included in his file. "Well there you are." No.2 replies, feigning surprise "Now lets bring it all up to date." "4.31am, 19th of March 1928."
   And in that lies the subtlety, in making the Prisoner give free of his personal information. After which I’m sure No.2 thought that it would only be a matter of time before the rest followed. Of course it was a long, long time before No.6 gave any further information away about himself. Well No.2 did say he thought they had a challenge!
   And as it happened No.2 during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ had exactly the same thing, that if No.6 would just answer one simple question, all the rest would follow. That simply question was “One lump or two?” To which No.6 responded that it’s in the file!

Peter Smith
    Having arrived home in ‘Many Happy Returns,’ Mrs. Butterworth asks the Prisoner his name, well I suppose she had to pretend not to know it. But why didn’t the Prisoner give his real name, something which has often puzzled me. But I suppose to the Prisoner it could have been a matter of trust, trust in himself, trust in his surroundings, and trust in this woman who he finds to be living in his one time home, after all he didn’t know who Mrs. Butterworth was. And I suppose after his recent experience in the village, any name is preferable to a number!

“Doing as the caveman did!”
    Stone axe and chisel, tools that are outside the pail of the law. I have always thought that No.6 would have been much better off using flint axe and chisel , doing it as the caveman did in fact. ? After all just because he was known as Stone Age man, didn't mean he used stone implements, certainly not for chopping, cutting and scraping, he used napped flints! It must have been an extreme task for No.6 to fell that tree, then having to clear of branches. Then to hack out that section of trunk for the boat, and then to hollow out the hull of that boat from the trunk.

Be seeing you

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