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Tuesday 7 January 2014

Caught On Camera!

     Caught on camera yes, several times during the opening sequence of the Prisoner as a matter of fact.
    But who takes any notice of a hearse, and the Undertakers going about their lawful occasions? The Prisoner certainly didn't, didn't realise that the hearse was following him! Mind you having said that, the neighbours might have notice the hearse parked outside, the two undertakers first carrying in a coffin into 1 Buckingham Place, and then a few moments carrying the said coffin out again and putting it into the back of the hearse. Perhaps no-one knew the occupant of the house, and so didn't think to question what the two undertakers were up to. But there you are you see, no-one takes any notice of a black hearse, except perhaps for a gentleman in the street to take his hat off as the hearse passes by!

Be seeing you


  1. Perhaps No.6 was the only inhabitant of that house, no one knows. One shouldn't forget that a hearse and an undertaker abducting somebody to a certain degree are also mere narrative stereotypes. Thus no 100% plausibility canbe guaranteed. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      I have always imagined that the Prisoner was the only occupant of his house, unless he had a valet, or butler! As for the hearse and Undertakers, who goes up to a pair of Undertaker and asks them what they're up to?

      Very kind regards

    2. Add: Let's not forget it's rather a business-like neighbourhood where he lives. So, probabyl no prying housewives behind window curtains. - BCNU!

    3. Hello Arno,
      True enough about the business-like-neighbourhood, but at the same time I've a couple of production photographs taken at the time of filming in Buckingham Place, and there are plenty housewives looking on from the doorstep and through windows, watching what's going on. But I do take your point. "Curtain twitchers" as we call them here. Housewives looking secretively from behind the curtains!

      Very kind regards

    4. Well, didn't know this. Anyway, what we see in the series, to me looks like a mixed area of living and business offices. - BNCU!

    5. Hello Arno,
      On second thoughts, and having studied the two production photographs I have of that scene filmed in Buckingham Place, there is the great possibility that the women are housemaids or cleaners, that sort of thing!

      Very kind regards

  2. A diversion - but just out of interest - there are large gates to Abingdon car park in Great College Street now !
    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Anna,
      Interesting, I wonder why?

      Best wishes
