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Thursday 2 January 2014

Quote For The Day

    No.6 had given his piece of abstract art a title "ESCAPE."
    "What does this piece, what does it represent to you?"
    "A church door?"
    "Right first time. This other piece here, of the same general lines, somewhat more abstract you'll notice, representing freedom or a barrier, depending how you look at it. The barriers down, and the door is open. You are free, free to go, free to escape, to escape to this, the symbol to human aspirations, knowledge, freedom, escape."
                                            {No.6 - The Chimes of Big Ben}

   So what does the above tell us? That No.6 is quick witted, quick to think on his feet, as he makes it all up as he goes along like any good artist. That No.6 is very good at woodwork, and would have made an extremely good artist!


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