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Monday 1 July 2013

Caught On Camera!

    Not much in the wall bureau is there, a Map of Your Village, and a desk memo pad....just a minute! What's that at the top of the picture? The Prisoner has a compass in his cottage! It might not tell the Prisoner where the Village is, but it would have told him which was north. Plus he could have used it aboard his sea-going raft in 'Many Happy Returns,' thus saving him from making a homemade compass!

Be seeing you


  1. This compass perhaps wasn't working at all but for decoration only. As such it would have been a reminder, a teaser if you like, or a sting for No. 6 that escape was impossible to achieve. And, perhaps like Cobb a symbol of the lost outer world. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      I have to admit I had no considered the possibility that the compass is simply a decorative item.

      Very Kind regards
