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Friday 23 May 2014

A Favourite Scene In The Prisoner Comes

   When No.6 is addressing the members of the out-going Town Council in ‘Free For All’ - "Who do you represent? Who elected you? To what place or country do you owe allegiance? Who’s side are you one? {Mustn’t get too personal my dear fellow, any further questions?} This farce, this twentieth century Bastille that pretends to be a pocket democracy, why don’t you put us all into solitary confinement and get what you are after and have done with it? {that’s enough I call this meeting to order} Look at them. Brainwashed imbeciles! Can you laugh? Can you cry? Can you think? Is this, is this what they did to you? Is this how they tried to break you till they got what they we after? In your heads there must be the remnant of a brain, in your hearts must still be the desire to be a human being again." It's strong, powerful stuff, and to think No.6 told the Colonel in ‘Many Happy Returns’ that he could have been a member of the Town Council, one of those brainwashed imbeciles he describes! And so easily, had it not been so important not to damage the tissue!
Be seeing you


  1. There's a strong contrast that always struck me as to No. 6's harsh words, his arguably very serious tone, and the overt ridiculousness of the gathered assembly, the depiction exaggerated, they're laughable and over the top. This must be satirical in the true sense of the word. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      That's a very good observation you make. What's more the fact that The Village is far from being a democratic society, and therefore would not need a Town Council, makes No.6's statement about "brainwashed imbeciles" null and void, seeing as the members of the Town Council are not what they appear to be! Who is being played for the fool here? Well its No.6!

      Very kind regards
