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Friday 2 May 2014

Numbers Don't Change Only People

   Take No. 8 for example. The first No.8 we encounter in the Prisoner is a plant - Nadia Rakovsky during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben.’ Then she leaves The Village and 8 is given to the White Queen in ‘Checkmate.’ Something must happen to this No.8 as we do not see her again. It is unlikely that she was allowed to leave The Village, perhaps she found someone with the perfect escape plan and so escaped the Village. Either that or she died being used in another of the doctors experiments! Because the next No.8 is a woman from the computer room who has a "Daily prognosis report" carried out on No.6 during ‘It's Your Funeral.’ But then there comes another change for the Number 8, this time in ‘Living In Harmony,’ but this time No.8 is a man. I wonder how ‘the Prisoner’ series would have shaped up if the likes of Number 8 had remained the same character in The Village, either with Nadia Rakovsky being unable to leave The Village, or that of the white Queen. We would still have had the same characters, but their numbers would have had to have been different. But Nadia was allowed to leave The Village, and there being no real reason to keep the character of the white Queen from ‘Checkmate,’ the Number 8 can easily be reallocated.  Mind you, there's the doctor-No.40 from ‘Dance of the Dead,’ played by Duncan MacRae, if the series had kept him for ‘Checkmate,’ then there would have been no need for the doctor-No.22 who we see in ‘Checkmate’ played by Patricia Jessel, seeing as their characters as so very similar!

Be seeing you

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