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Thursday 4 June 2015

A Favourite Scene In The Prisoner

    Its election time in The Village, and “The community can rest assured that their interests are very much my own, and that anything I can do to maintain the security of the citizens will be my primary objective. Be seeing you.” 
    I look at Number 6 giving that lunchtime speech, and think how sincere he sounds. But isn’t that the way with most politicians? They tell you what they think you want to hear. Certainly Number 6 seems very pleased with himself having watched himself give that speech on television.
    “The citizens can rest assured that their interests are very much my own,” that would be right. All Number 6 wants is to cause disruption, to escape! “Anything I can do to maintain the security of the citizens will be my primary objective,” that sounds like the old Number 2 talking! The old regime forever, and the old Number 2 forever! But of course its not really Number 6 talking, well it is, but he’s being manipulated just as much as the electorate who voted for him. But then Number 6 did achieve that position of authority once suggested by the first Number 2 on the day of the Prisoner’s arrival in The Village. Even if it was for only a few minutes!

Be seeing you


  1. This a fine moment displaying the emptiness of politician speech, words and lines spat out like from a machine gun. But more than the words themselves it's the telling tone in which they are delivered. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Yes there is the display of emptiness of political speech to consider. Number 6 sounds as though he has been well rehearsed, as politicians are. But at least he's not just spouting the usual trite rubbish! And the words spoken, well its not just the words, but as you rightly say, how they are delivered. Yes, you make some good points.

      Very kind regards
