Those of you of an observant nature will
have observed I’m sure, that I wear my cape inside out. Mind you I do not wear
a numbered Penny Farthing badge, but as it’s been such a long time, Number 2
doesn’t bother me about that now. Something I have in common with Number 6! As
for those bright colourful striped capes, I’ve always thought them rather
garish, even for The Village. So I choose to wear my cape inside out, which
could be interpreted by some, as my rebelling against the accepted norm, and
thereby demonstrating individualistic tendencies. Or on the other hand, for a
man in my position I do have to maintain a modicum of decorum. However
personally I have no desire to look……..ridiculous!
Be seeing you
Which episode has a #2 in office long enough to confront the Butler about his lack of Village wear protocol?